Tuesday 10 July 2007

Tories Try to Explain Their 18% Pay Hike

Calling for the public to be allowed to carry 50,000 volt stun guns isn’t the most outlandish statement Cllr. Harry Phibbs (Con) has published (click here to read article). Last week, he wrote in the Gazette that he and his fellow Tories had only voted to give themselves their 18% salary rise by “mistake”.

This apparently happened despite the pay hike being signed off by the Tory Leader of the Council, then passed by the Tory cabinet and then voted for by all 33 Tory councillors - who heckled Labour for not supporting it. The paperwork, Cllr. Phibbs and his colleagues voted on clearly stated that they’d get an 18% ray rise. The only mistake they made was in misjudging the public backlash. Cllr. Phibbs’ comments demonstrate how rightly embarrassed he and his colleagues now are.

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